
Regular Member - $109.95

Keep Clean Member - $89.95

*Membership is automatic for Healing Insights clients if they complete 20 Colonic sessions within any 12 month period of time. To maintain membership simply complete 10 Colonic sessions per year thereafter. You may also purchase a membership.


2 Session Discount Package - $206

3 Session Discount Package - $297

5 Session Discount Package - $475

Emergency colon hydrotherapy appointments available. 

We understand life can make scheduling difficult. Although we have full-time therapists and offer evenings and weekends appointments, our busy seasons tend to book out quickly.

For those that may require an urgent appointment outside of our therapists general schedules, Healing Insights offers emergency sessions at a rate of $135 paid in advance.

This rate applies to any appointments granted on non-work days or extensions of regular work hours.

Add on Services

Bring your own product (Liquid solutions you provide are added to the Colonic water) - $5.00

Garlic and/or Aloe Vera (Supplied by us) - $9.95